American Buckskin Registry Association, Inc.

 American Buckskin Registry Association, Inc.

PO Box 33098
Tulsa 36   1228  74104
Phone 918 936 4707

American Buckskin Registry Association’s purpose is to collect, record, and preserve the pedigrees of Buckskin, Dun, Red Dun, Grulla, Dunalino, and Perlino with dun factor horses, draft horses, ponies/miniature horses and mules, as well as those eligible equines of unknown ancestry.

ABRA serves as an information center for its members and the general public on matters pertaining to shows and projects designed to improve the association and aid the industry for its breeders and all equine owners.

ABRA works to promote equine ownership and to grow markets for ABRA. Shows and performance events give breeders and exhibitors opportunities to compete for awards and prize money, providing opportunities for breeders to continually strive to improve the breed.

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